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M said before the wedding date, I have to stay in the same room in the Hilton hotel.

Hilton hotel means my home; so Rob can come to the room and marry me from Hilton hotel.

M said I need to walk from the red carpet; and Dalen already measure the length is about 8 miters~10.

ViC 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Think I am all ready, for a whole new life.
The life will be fulll of joy, happiness and lots of fun.
The life will not be easy, but I have you around.
The life will get us grow, because you will always be around.
The life will make us strong; because you are my brighten sun!

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Think I am all ready, for a whole new life.

The life will be fulll of joy, happiness and lots of fun.

The life will not be easy, but I have you around.

ViC 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

閒閒閒~ 是我最近生活的寫照
整個人就懶懶的 Being Lazy Lazy
好處是 本姑娘的痘痘 終於好點嚕! (謝天謝地阿!=.=//)
壞處是 似乎增加了一些小肉肉!! (紅色警戒中!!!)
反正 我之前上班忙到昏天黑地的時候 想要度假休息的願望 都在現在實現啦!!

ViC 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

閒閒閒~ 是我最近生活的寫照

整個人就懶懶的 Being Lazy Lazy

好處是 本姑娘的痘痘 終於好點嚕! (謝天謝地阿!=.=//)

ViC 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

根據朋友的說法 辦的很成功!
付出這麼多的心血 終於有好ㄉ成果

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ViC 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I am lazy these days.
No work, just stay at home and relax.
The engagement and wedding things are almost done, everything is under control.
Finally, I can just be lazy and watch TV...enjoy my free time!!!
But sometimes I miss the busy days I used to have....so, human beings are very weird.

ViC 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I am lazy these days.

No work, just stay at home and relax.

The engagement and wedding things are almost done, everything is under control.

ViC 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today is my last day in WV....
Get 2 feelings; one is sad, coz I've been here for years...one is releaf, finally I can take a break and rest!
Tomorrow I can wake up very late....
Relax at home....
Enjoy my new life....

ViC 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today is my last day in WV....

Get 2 feelings; one is sad, coz I've been here for years...one is releaf, finally I can take a break and rest!

Tomorrow I can wake up very late....

ViC 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

結婚的東西 真ㄉ好多好多
我覺得 我的耐心快沒了 雖然準備的東西很多 我也一點一點的慢慢完成了
但是 還是累 忙的感覺
好想要閉上眼睛 就可以完成所有的工作壓!

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結婚的東西 真ㄉ好多好多

我覺得 我的耐心快沒了 雖然準備的東西很多 我也一點一點的慢慢完成了

但是 還是累 忙的感覺

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等了好久好久 終於照相囉
我ㄉ婚紗照 在一個風雨交加的日子 2006, 9/8 在台北完成
本來要上陽明山的 還要去海邊
但是人算不如天算阿 最後哪都去不了 待在棚內照完我的婚紗照
說不覺得可惜 是騙人的~

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等了好久好久 終於照相囉

我ㄉ婚紗照 在一個風雨交加的日子 2006, 9/8 在台北完成

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